ClimatePartner certified products

Ingredients with validated carbon footprint calculations which are compensated for by investing in verified climate offsetting projects.

Many of our yeast-based ingredients are available with ClimatePartner certification thanks to the steps we are taking to monitor and reduce emissions across our manufacturing operations.

We work closely with external carbon experts at ClimatePartner to measure the carbon emissions associated with the sourcing, production and distribution of our ClimatePartner certified products. Then we compensate for those emissions by investing in verified climate offset projects.

Compensating for product emissions

We mark our ClimatePartner certified products with a label which includes our unique ID-Tracking number and website. These help our customers to understand how the products’ carbon footprints have been calculated and compensated for, by financing verified climate offsetting projects.

We support offsetting projects sourced by ClimatePartner (Project ID:17010-2203-1001) and certified according to international standards, such as the Climate Action Reserve (CAR) and Voluntary Emission Reductions (VERs).

Learn more

Contact us to find out more about our yeast extracts and yeast-based flavours available with ClimatePartner certification.