NEIVA® Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) Oil Powder
A range of medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil powders designed to enhance texture and functionality - perfect for products where liquid oils aren't suitable.
Medium chain triglycerides (MCT) are an efficient and easily digestible energy source that is less likely to be stored as body fat and has no impact on cholesterol. MCTs also facilitate the production of ketones and can be used to help support:
- Long-lasting energy
- Post-exercise muscle recovery
- Memory and cognitive function
- Appetite balance and weight management
NEIVA® MCT Powder comes in three varieties
A high level (70%) blend of medium chain triglycerides, dried on a non-fat powdered milk creating a free-flowing powder that effortlessly blends even at room temperature.
NEIVA® MCT Plant-Based Powder
A plant-based version of our MCT (70%) powder, dried on gum acai, enabling a clean label ideal for vegan products.
NEIVA® C8 MCT Energy Boost Powder
MCT powder high in C8 dried on a non-fat powdered milk making it a good source of energy.
NEIVA® MCT Powder can be formulated in various dosage forms and has many applications such as functional food, sports nutrition and dietary supplements.
NEIVA® MCT Powder has been expertly engineered with superior solubility so it can be easily mixed into either hot or cold liquids.
Learn more about MCT Powder
Download our latest whitepaper below to learn more about MCTs, their potential benefits in weight management and the formulation advantages of the powdered format.
Why choose NEIVA® by Ohly for your powdered lipids?
Having produced culinary powders for many years, we have refined and perfected the spray-drying process to deliver consistently high-quality ingredients. By carefully spray-drying liquid raw materials, we retain all the functional and nutritional benefits in a powdered ingredient with consistent moisture levels and particle size.
Our facilities are run by a team of experts with many years of experience and we maintain the highest quality standards as certified by various international authorities and organisations.
Our team will work with you to find the right solution for your next innovation. Our range of products is constantly expanding, thanks to our investment in intensive research and development.
But we’re also committed to playing an active role in addressing sustainability challenges across three pillars - people, customers and planet.
Find out more
Send us a message and our specialist team will be happy to help. Or request a free sample to try the NEIVA® range for yourself.
1. St-Onge, M.-P. & Bosarge, A. Weight-Loss Diet That Includes Consumption of Medium-Chain Triacylglycerol Oil Leads to a Greater Rate of Weight and Fat Mass Loss than Does Olive Oil 1-3. (2008).
This page is intended to provide information about Ohly's ingredients, used in various food/dietary supplement products around the world. It is only intended for business to business and to provide information to food/dietary supplement professionals and is not designed for the general public. Statements used on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any other competent authority. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.