Classical yeast extract made by autolysis, resulting in balanced levels of free amino acids along with vitamins, minerals and other trace elements.

Nutrient@2X X SEED
Yeastextract@2X X SEED
Water@2X X SEED

X-SEED® KAT is a yeast autolysate from primary cultivated baker’s yeast. It contains high amounts of protein, predominantly in the form of free amino acids content. It is suitable for a variety of microbial fermentations using yeast, bacteria or fungi, and is an excellent source of B-vitamins and naturally bound minerals. The complex mixture of metabolites in the yeast extract, functions as growth-factors for optimal performance of your fermentation process.

Key features and benefits

  • High content of protein
  • Good performance for key production strains like E. coli and S. cerevisiae


Try X-SEED® KAT yourself

If you would like to experience X-SEED® KAT we can send you a free sample.